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R-17 Glandular Enlargement

R-17 Glandular Enlargement drop

Brand: Dr. Reckeweg
-Acid Lact., Naja tripudians, Scrophularia nodosa.
-22 ml
-Adults- various abnormal tissue growths.
-Helps decrease the severity of symptoms associated with glandular enlargement, eczema and growths affecting external and internal organs, trophic and inflammatory rashes, abnormal epithelial growths, scalesand warts, and regeneration of damaged tissues.


The R 17 Glandular Drops by Dr. Reckeweg is a homeopathic medicine, which helps treat abnormal growth and ulceration on various body tissues. It helps decrease the severity of symptoms associated with glandular enlargement, eczema and growths affecting external and internal organs, trophic and inflammatory rashes, abnormal epithelial growths, scalesand warts, and regeneration of damaged tissues. The R 17 Glandular Drops’ various ingredients have beneficial effects, including, disrupting cancerous growth in tissues, treatment of serous muscles, skin and mucous membranes, tuberculous growth of larynx, vertigo and pulsations along with irritation of the ears and eyes, regeneration of diseased and damaged skin, swelling due to tumors and eschars, diminution and attenuation of pus, suppression of cancerous growth, strengthens the defense system of the host, glandular cancerous growth, benign and malignant lumps in the breast, uterine cancer, epithelial and scirrhous tumors, and stomach ulcers with a cancerous tendency. This product strengthens the body’s defense system against cancerous cells and helps patients live a healthier, stress-free life.

-Acid. lact.
-Naja tripudians
-Scrophularia nodosa.



Helps with the following:
-glandular enlargement
-eczema and growths affecting external and internal organs
-trophic and inflammatory rashes
-abnormal epithelial growths
-scalesand warts
-regeneration of damaged tissues
-disrupting cancerous growth in tissues
-treatment of serous muscles, skin and mucous membranes
-tuberculous growth of larynx
-vertigo and pulsations along with irritation of the ears and eyes
-regeneration of diseased and damaged skin
-swelling due to tumors and eschars
-diminution and attenuation of pus
-suppression of cancerous growth
-strengthens the defense system of the host
-glandular cancerous growth
-benign and malignant lumps in the breast
-uterine cancer
-epithelial and scirrhous tumors
-stomach ulcers with a cancerous tendency.


1. Is this medicine safe?

No serious side effects have been reported with the use of this product. However, if you experience any, please visit the nearest health care facility immediately.

2. What happens if I overdose on this medicine?

No serious reactions have been reported even in the case of overdosage of this product.

3. How much of this medicine should I use?

The dosage depends on the patient's age and severity of disease. Mostly, 10-15 drops are mixed in some water thrice daily. Administration may be continued after the disappearance of symptoms. Please consult your doctor for further guidance.

4. Is this medicine safe for pregnant females?

Insufficient data is available regarding the effects of this product in pregnant and lactating females. Therefore, please consult your doctor for guidance.

5. Who can use this medicine?

The patients with the following conditions can use this medicine:
-glandular enlargement
-eczema and growths affecting external and internal organs
-trophic and inflammatory rashes
-abnormal epithelial growths
-scalesand warts
-regeneration of damaged tissues
-disrupting cancerous growth in tissues
-treatment of serous muscles, skin and mucous membranes
-tuberculous growth of larynx
-vertigo and pulsations along with irritation of the ears and eyes
-regeneration of diseased and damaged skin
-swelling due to tumors and eschars
-diminution and attenuation of pus
-suppression of cancerous growth
-strengthens the defense system of the host
-glandular cancerous growth
-benign and malignant lumps in the breast
-uterine cancer
-epithelial and scirrhous tumors
-stomach ulcers with a cancerous tendency